CKLC Service-Learning Program in Congjiang Mountain and Minority Area, Guizhou 2019
Ref. No : ECHN-BCSD8NPosted by :EthanChan/UMAC
Department :CKLCPosted Date : 03/06/2019
Category :
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CKLC Service-Learning Program in Congjiang Mountain and Minority Area, Guizhou 2019








也許我們只是他們生命中的一個過客,無法給他們的生活帶來多少改變,但是至少我們可以用心去陪伴他們,讓他們感受到這個社會的愛和溫暖,使他們在成長的道路上多幾分力量” - 白茹雙

第一次參加服務學習活動,真的很有意義,觸動我的心靈,希望書院將來能多組織類似的活動” - 羅羿

有一個女生給我寫了小紙條「老師,你辛苦了」,那一刻,我覺得義教這麼多天的疲憊一掃而空。” - 龍海柔

小朋友每天都會在黑板給我留言「樂樂老師,今天快樂嗎?」。我真的很快樂!謝謝小朋友們,讓我的十八歲變得更完整。”- 樂佾欣

累并快樂着,義教讓我第一次體會到老師的艱辛,原來想要給學生們帶來一個生動有趣的課堂所需要付出那麼多的心力,也由衷祝福孩子们能永遠乐观向上。” – 王愷翀

小朋友們玩累了,就會在我們身上,纏著我們幹別的。現在回想起來,腦子裏都是他們可愛的樣子”- 金睿






(English Verison)

15 students and staff from Cheong Kun Lun College (CKLC), led by Associate Master Dr. Kevin Huang, went to Congjiang County of Guizhou Province, for service-learning from 20 May to 29 May, 2019 (10 days). The program was to provide voluntary teaching and activities at Longtu primary school in Guandong Town of Congjiang County. In the meanwhile, CKLC group also arranged exchange with Grade 2 students in Congjiang No. 1 Senior High School to share the experience of preparing college entrance examination and adjustment of mentality. The program aimed to develop students' awareness and ability to serve and to give back to society, to enhance students' understanding of the culture and development of the southwestern part of China, and to deepen students' sense of belonging to motherland.

This program was organized following Macao SAR government poverty alleviation project in Congjiang. CKLC arranged a pre-trip visit to Longgu Primiary School to collect their needs in March, 2019, with the help from Central Liaison Office in Macao. In order to provide a good teaching experience to 319 students from grade 1 to grade 6 in Longtu Primary School, a dozen of pre-trip meetings were arranged and the teaching plan was revised repeatedly.

CKLC students and staff also launched a series of charity sale activities to raise funds (3045MOP in total) for the kids in Longtu Primary School. With the help from ICTO and Vice Rector of Administration, 13 old notebook computers, which had been written off but with good quality, were donated to the school. The management team of the school was really grateful and they redesigned the computer lab plaque to highlight University of Macau’s Donation.

CKLC group successfully completed all the teaching tasks and achieved fruitful results in the 10-day service-learning trip. Every day, some children waited for our arrival at the school gate. After school, the children would like to play with us instead of going back home, and some children warmly invited us to visit their home. As we walked on the country road, we also received praise from the children’ parents saying that their kids would share with them excitedly what they had learned from the teachers of University of Macau.