CKPC Me To We Team Building Activities
曹光彪書院Me To We團隊訓練活動
Ref. No : JYEM-BJH9KEPosted by :JosephYem/UMAC
Department :CKPCPosted Date : 03/12/2019
Category :
Photo Sharing

Activity 1

在自然界中,各種動植物的一舉一動,都是為了適應環境,因此生活效能 (life effectiveness) 十分重要,今年曹光彪書院 Me To We (MTW) 團隊的主題就在於此。日前,MTW團隊前往香港南丫島,進行初階自然解說員訓練,由體驗大自然,到觀察大自然,再從中發掘自然界的生動故事,讓大家從這些微小的細節上學習評估環境,加強自身能力,運用創新與改革,面對大氣候的挑戰!

Outdoor Nature Experience

The living habits of animals and plants in the nature are aimed to adapt to the habitats. Therefore, life effectiveness is very important. Life effectiveness is also the main topic of CKPC Me To We (MTW) team this year. Recently, MTW team went to Lamma Island and participated in the Nature Interpreter Training Program. The team members discovered many vivid stories of the nature through experience and observation. They learned how to evaluate the environment from the minor details, enhance their own abilities, and apply their creativity and innovation to face the challenging circumstances!