External Activity: Guangdong(Foshan) Doctoral and Postdoctoral candidates exchange meeting (Date: 18 Nov)
Ref. No : WWPW-BHHAHLPosted by :WilliamWPWong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 01/11/2019
Category :
External Activity

以下資料由 廣東省人力資源和社會保障廳 提供,由學生事務部生涯發展中心代傳。
This information is provided by Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province and posted by Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office.

茲通知 廣東(佛山)博士和博士後人才交流與科技專案對接會 將於11月18日佛山市順德區北滘鎮潭洲國際會展中心舉行,歡迎各位博士生參加。活動詳情及人才需求匯總表請參閱附件。

廣東省人力資環和社會保障廳 僅啟
*Only Chinese content was provided by the Organizer , should you have any enquiries, please contact us at 88224918.
Career Development Centre will provide transportation subsidy for students who participate in the activity.

Quota for the transportation subsidy : 20 (first-come-first-serve based on online application)

Please refer to the procedure below: