[REMINDER] Further Study Activity - IELTS, GRE and GMAT Preparation Courses [Online registration deadline: 21 Aug]
【溫馨提示】升學活動 - 雅思、GRE及GMAT預備課程 [截止登記日期: 8月21日]
Ref. No : RKUN-BF84GXPosted by :RitaKuan/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 20/08/2019
Category :

登記 Registration
抽籤 Drawing Lots
報名 Enrollment
你是否正在為升學做準備?Are you preparing for graduate study?
你開始準備研究生入學考試了嗎?Have you started preparing for the graduate admission tests?
The Career Development Centre is now offering preparation courses on IELTS, TOEFL, GRE and GMAT for FREE in the first semester of academic year 2019/2020. These courses aim to help you in preparing for the tests and to enhance your test-taking skills and confidence. Please refer to the table below for course information on IELTS, GRE and GMAT. The course arrangement and enrollment method of TOEFL course will be announced in September.

我應如何選擇合適的預備課程?How should I choose a suitable preparation course?
In general, graduate schools require overseas applicants to submit TOEFL or IELTS score as a proof of their English proficiency. GMAT score is one of the admission requirements for many business postgraduate programmes in overseas countries; whereas GRE score is one of the admission requirements for many non-business postgraduate programmes in the United States. Thus, you should enroll the relevant course according to the admission requirement of graduate schools.
Course Title
Course Schedule
Course Duration
Course Information
雅思 /
A)03/09 - 17/10; 逢星期二、四/ Every Tue. & Thu.; 18:30-21:3012 節課/ sessions;
小時/ hours
雅思 /
B)21/09 - 10/11; 逢星期六、日/ Every Sat. & Sun.; 10:00-13:0012 節課/ sessions;
小時/ hours
GRE07/09 - 27/10; 逢星期六、日/ Every Sat. & Sun.; 10:00-13:0012 節課/ sessions;
小時/ hours
GMAT07/09 - 20/10; 逢星期六、日/ Every Sat. & Sun.; 14:30-17:3010 節課/ sessions;
小時/ hours

報名方法 Enrollment Method
  • 上述課程以「登記抽籤報名」之報名形式,詳情如下:
    The enrollment method of the above course will be by "Registration → Drawing Lots → Enrollment". Details go as follows:
  • 有興趣報讀課程的本科生及研究生,請於15/08/2019 - 21/08/2019 期間,登入電子表格系統,填寫「雅思/ GRE/ GMAT預備課程登記表」。
    Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are interested in these courses, please log in the e-form system
    , then complete the "Registration Form for IELTS/ GRE/ GMAT Preparation Courses" during 15/08/2019 - 21/08/2019.
  • 在登記表上已提交有效雅思/GRE/GMAT報考証明之學生,將獲優先錄取。
    Priority will be given to students who have submitted the effective registration record of forthcoming IELTS/ GRE/ GMAT tests in the registration form.
  • 登記連結 Registration link: https://webdocs.umac.mo/sites/eform/sao/scs/Lists/192001/NewForm.aspx
Drawing Lots
  • 如登記人數多於課程名額,本中心將於22/08/2019進行抽籤。
    Quota allocation will be determined by drawing lots on 22/08/2019 if the registration number exceeds the course quota.
  • 所有獲錄取者將收到電郵方式及短訊 (僅限澳門電話) 通知。
    All successful applicants will be notified by email and SMS (Macao mobile number only).
  • 獲錄取的學生請於27/08/2019或之前回覆電郵確認報名。逾期者將被視作自動放棄。
    All successful applicants have to confirm their enrollment by replying to our email
    before 27/08/2019. Application shall be regarded as abandoned if no reply email is received.
  • 如獲錄取的學生放棄報名,本中心將於29/08/2019或之前,以電郵方式及短訊通知候補者補上。
    If there will be any abandoned application, we will notify the students on waiting list by email and SMS
    on or before 29/08/2019.
  • 名額有限,每人每個學期只可報讀一班雅思預備課程
    Due to limited quota,
    each student can only enroll in one IELTS preparation course in each semester.
  • 在提交報名表前,請再次查看你的日程表。本中心保留日後不接納無故缺席課程的學生報名之權利。
    Before submitting the enrolment form, please double check your own schedule. We reserve the right to reject any applicants who were absent from the enrolled courses without ground reason(s) in the future.
  • 如報名人數不足十人,該課程可能會被取消。
    The course might be cancelled if there are less than 10 participants.
課程按金 Deposit

A deposit of
MOP500 is required for each course. Please follow the below procedure to settle the payment:
Students who participate in the preparation courses do not need to approach Career Development Centre to settle the payment. E-debit note will be issued to students who fail to fulfil the requirement of attendance policy. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on overdue amount after the due date.

出席率規定 Attendance Policy
All participants are required to fulfil the following attendance policy, otherwise MOP500 per course will be charged:
  1. 出席率達80%,以及
    Achieve an attendance rate of 80%, AND
  2. 完成課程內的模擬測驗
    Complete the mock tests as prescribed in the course
查詢 Enquiries
電話 Tel8822 4916
電郵 Emailsao.career@um.edu.mo
地址 Address學生活動中心(E31) 2樓2004室 / Room 2004, 2/F, Student Activity Centre (E31)
辦公時間 Opening Hour星期一至四/ Mon. - Thu.:09:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:45
星期五/ Fri.: 09:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:30

學生事務部 生涯發展中心
Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office