[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (5):How to stand out in an interview
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (五):如何在面試中表現勝人一籌
Ref. No : WWPW-BGX6HKPosted by :WilliamWPWong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 14/10/2019
Category :

學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents
就業情報 (五)
Career Insider (5)
How to stand out in an interview
Millions of people go to interviews every day, how to stand out and leave a good impression to the employer? Read the following tips and prepare for your interview beforehand.
  • 了解應聘的公司。問一些有深度的問題能夠展現你對應徵職位的關心及對應聘公司的了解。不要問能夠從Google上輕易找到答案的簡單問題。
Do your research. Ask in-depth questions that show you are really curious about the position and truly familiar with the company. Never ask the employer something that you could get from a Google search.
  • 展現你對應聘職位的興趣。在面試後給僱主發一封電子郵件,讓僱主知道你對這個職位的強烈興趣。這樣能讓你給僱主留下深刻印象。
Show your interest. Let potential employers know that you are interested and eager by following up immediately after the interview with an email. Thus, you'll stay top of mind throughout the interview process.
  • 穿著得體。即使在你開口說話前,你的衣著也能展現你的很多方面。
Dress for the occasion. What you wear shows a great deal about you even before you open your mouth.
  • 準備充分。除了你的履歷,你還需要準備好你的推薦信等參考資料。這樣能夠讓雇主覺得你認真對待這次面試。
Be prepared. Aside from your resume, you should also bring reference materials you would like to share. It shows that you are serious about the interview process.
Suggest Activity:

就業活動:珠海大橫琴股份有限公司招聘講座(10月31日; 10:30; E32-G020)
Career Activity: Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Company Limited Recruitment Talk (31 Oct; 10:30; E32-G020)
詳情 Details:https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/32a1da4046eaf92d48257af40035c8d9/0f867178c81dcf6c48258490000e9c0e?OpenDocument&TableRow=4.1#4.

2020 環球實習計劃: 美國紐約CCIP實習計劃 (簡介會:10月18日|13:00|E3-1043)
2020 Global Internship Programs - Cross Cultural Internship Program(CCIP) in New York City, US (Information session on 18 Oct|13:00|E3-1043)
詳情 Detail: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/1416ccf92fc29dc8482579dc002b1f36/13a45bbfb5323b084825847e001ddead?OpenDocument

2020 環球實習計劃 - 紐西蘭/西班牙/德國/法國/英國/愛爾蘭/澳洲(簡介會: 10月23日|13:00|E22-G010 )
2020 Global Internship Programs - New Zealand/Spain/Germany/France/England/Ireland/Australia
(Info session: 23 Oct | 13:00 | E22-G010 )
詳情 Detail: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/1416ccf92fc29dc8482579dc002b1f36/a9fa551e656c95194825847f0023a624?OpenDocument
報名 Registration: https://webdocs.umac.mo/sites/eform/sao/scs/Lists/Info_Sessions_of_2020_Global_Internship_Programs/NewForm.aspx

2020 環球實習計劃 - 西班牙巴倫西亞 (簡介會: 10月23日|14:15|E22-G010)
2020 Global Internship Programs - Valencia, Spain (Info Session: 23 Oct | 14:15 | E22-G010)
詳情 Detail: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/1416ccf92fc29dc8482579dc002b1f36/691ff89cfaba55044825847f002b5468?OpenDocument
報名 Registration: https://webdocs.umac.mo/sites/eform/sao/scs/Lists/Info_Sessions_of_2020_Global_Internship_Programs/NewForm.aspx

生涯發展中心 謹啟

Best Regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office