CKLC Activity Highlight: A Letter to All CKLCers and Call for Submission of Anti-Epidemic Essays
Ref. No : HCS-1122Posted by :CSHuang/UMAC
Department :CKLCPosted Date : 24/03/2020
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CKLC Activity Highlight: A Letter to All CKLCers and Call for Submission of Anti-Epidemic Essays

“抗疫”徵文 Call for Submission of Anti-Epidemic Essays

張崑崙書院的一封家書 A Letter to CKLCers


看到家書後,學生們迅速行動。2月21日至23日即收到多篇“抗疫同行”的稿件,喬嘉琪同學寫的 “疫情當下,對生活的思考”成了第一篇被選中刊登在公衆號分享的好文。至今,已有26位同學發來抗疫主題的文章:有的記錄下身邊抗疫的感人故事,有的從前綫人員的無私行動中感受到中華民族精神;羅羿同學說,“我們在感恩的同時也應做好準備,當時機到來時,接過這薪火相傳的重擔,和其中所蘊藏的精神,繼續前進”。


張崑崙書院學生的投稿(部分)Some of CKLCers’Essays:

院生會宣傳部部長陶一瑋正在編輯文章(Demi, Chair of House Association Communication Working Group, is editing the articles for publication)

Due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, CKLC prepared a letter and sent to all CKLCers on Feb. 20 for the sake of reducing students’ anxiety and increasing their awareness of protecting themselves. In the meantime, CKLC launched a campaign of calling for submission of anti-epidemic articles, encouraging CKLCers to write down those touching stories, touching moments, and thanksgiving moments during the pandemic.

From Feb 21 till now, more than 26 CKLCers have submitted their essays, and some had been selected to publish in CKLC House Association WeChat official account. Some of the essays recorded those touching stories about those selfless actions, some experienced Chinese National Spirit from those frontline medical staff. Student Luo Yi reflected, “We are grateful, but at the same time, we should get ourselves prepared to take over the torch of Chinese National Spirit in the future, and pass it on from generation to generation.”

Some of the essays were selected for publication in CKLC House Association WeChat Official Account. Demi, Chair of House Association Communication Working Group, made a significant contribution. She edited and composed those manuscripts repeatedly before the release. At the same time, she launched a "good book recommendation" campaign, so that CKLCers can receive more information and feel the love from College.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email: or Tel: (853) 8822-9520.

Best regards,
Cheong Kun Lun College 張崑崙書院
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