Shiu Pong College held the Valedictory Dinner
Ref. No : HWOG-BCG4APPosted by :HailieWong/UMAC
Department :SPCPosted Date : 04/06/2019
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晚宴上,張本梓院長首先敲響畢業的鐘聲,祝賀2019年應屆畢業生圓滿完成學業,即將開始新的人生征程,並期望他們繼續努力,肩負社會責任,活出紹邦精神。接著,蘇基朗副校長以 “紹邦書院、澳門大學及澳門故事 爲題,寄語畢業生要繼續成為照亮別人的光,積極為澳門發展作出貢獻。另外,四名應屆畢業生梁立宜、劉榮釗、陳杰希及林宣丞同學,分享了他們大學生涯的點點滴滴。其後,宋永華校長及張本梓院長向四名學生領袖頒發紹邦書院獎學金證書,獲獎者是黎嘉穎、張泳嘉、宋弘澤及黃依琳同學,表揚他們對書院的付出及貢獻。

最後,張院長向畢業生贈送精心準備的禮物。這份禮物別具意義,是一座由學弟學妹親手製作的水晶燈座,祝願各畢業生繼續在自己的崗位上成為楷模,成為照亮別人的光。而書院合唱團也特意為畢業生獻唱Stand by me”及夜空中最亮的星。至此,紹邦書院第三次高桌晚宴在一片歡愉的氛圍中正式圓滿落幕。

Shiu Pong College held the Valedictory Dinner

The third High Table Dinner of the academic year of 2018-19 was held successfully at Shiu Pong College on April 30, 2019. This is the last event of the current academic year bearing the theme of “Tis the Season of Celebration” in honor of the graduating class of 2019. This special occasion was attended by Professor Yonghua Song (Rector), Professor Billy So (Vice Rector of Student Affairs), Mr. Paul Pang (Dean of Students), Professor Yip Ming Chuen (Master of Lui Che Woo College), Professor Zhang Meifang (Master of Cheong Kun Lun College), Professor Rose Lai (Dean of Honours College), Professor Katrine Wong (Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement), fifteen other guests and two hundred students.

With the ringing of graduation bell, Master Zhang first extended warm congratulations to all members of the Class of 2019, wishing them a bright future filled with great achievements as they are embarking on a new journey of life. Professor So delivered an inspiring speech entitled “Shiu Pong College, University of Macau, and the Macau Story”. He hoped that all graduands will pass on the spirit of love from generation to generation, live as “the light of the world” and contribute to the Macao society. Four representative graduands, Ms. Savanna Leong, Mr. Eric Lao, Miss Jessie Chen and Mr. Jack Lin shared their memories in the College and the University. After the sharing session, Rector Song and Master Zhang presented the SPC College Awards to four student leaders in recognition of their efforts and contributions. The awardees are: Ms. Lai Ka Weng, Ms. Cheong Weng Ka, Ms. Huang Yilin and Mr. Song Hongze.

Then, Master Zhang presented a thoughtful gift to our graduands. The gift was a flower crystal light. These lights were all handmade and produced by the junior SPCers. We hoped that all graduands will serve as role models and make a positive difference wherever they go, as the light of the world. Two songs dedicated to the graduands were then performed by the College Choir, including “Stand by me” and “The brightest star in the night sky”. The High Table Dinner came to an end with laughter and lively chit-chat among students and guests.

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