CKLC Art and Culture Series: Get your songs into others’ hearts is now calling for registration! (1SP & 15CS)
張崑崙書院藝文系列:「好聲音如何感動人」現在召募你的參與! (一粒至叻星, 15CS)
Ref. No : MICM-BHPA9VPosted by :michellelam/UMAC
Department :CKLCPosted Date : 07/11/2019
Category :
Campus Activity

張崑崙書院藝文系列:「好聲音如何感動人」現在召募你的參與! (一粒至叻星, 15CS)

日期﹕ 1121
地點: CKLC G006

「我唱得不夠動人 你別皺眉」擁有好聲音,如何感動人? 張崑崙書院客座講師盛梅歌唱家將為大家展示,如何讓你的好聲音,走入聽眾心坎。活動包含歌唱技巧展示及觀眾試唱,擁有好聲音的你,讓我們一起來嘗試「唱出心裡話時」讓聽眾「眼淚會流」吧!

CKLC Art and Culture Series: Get your songs into others’ hearts is now calling for registration! (1SP & 15CS)

Date: 21 Nov 2019
Time: 20:00 - 21:30

Venue: CKLC G006
How to get your songs into others’ hearts? CKLC Guest Fellow Sheng Mei will give a demonstration of singing to show us how to make good use of your voice to move your audience. For those who are interested in singing, please come and join us!

Registration: Scan the QR code to join.

** 1SP & 15.0 "Cultural Engagement" (CS) will be given to the participants.**