[REMINDER] CMSA, UMSU: Lecture of Fraud Prevention and Financial Knowledge for University Students (Apr 10, 15:00, E4-G015) - 0.5 SP & 10 CS
[提提你] 澳門大學學生會內地學生會: 大學生預防詐騙及金融常識講座 (4月10日, 15:00, E4-G015) - 0.5粒至叻星及10 CS
Ref. No : CCHG-BB27GJPosted by :CarrieChong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SDSPosted Date : 08/04/2019
Category :
Campus Activity

The following information is provided by CMSA, UMSU and posted by the Student Development Section.

**參加講座之學生可獲得SAO 0.5粒至叻星及「全人發展獎勵計劃」中的「具有國際視野的公民」項目中的10個CS分數!
**Student participants of lecture will be awarded 1 SMART POINT and 10 CS on "Citizenship with Global Perspectives" area of the "Whole Person Development Award Program"!
