[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (2):Fully utilise informative resource around you for job-hunting
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (二):求職時充分利用身邊的有用資訊
Ref. No : WWPW-BFMEP5Posted by :WilliamWPWong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 03/09/2019
Category :

學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents
就業情報 (二)
Career Insider (2)
Fully utilise informative resource around you for job-hunting
It is very easy to neglect some of the most informative resources around you, as you may be too acquainted with them. But they will come in handy if you know how to use them.
Be a frequent visitor to recruitment websites. Stay in touch with the current trend in the job market, it is important to keep yourself updated with what's going on in the job market.

Keep an eye on the career training resources around you. Whether it is revising your resume or helping you prepare for an interview, a well-prepared candidate always has a bigger chance of getting the job.

Alumni and your senior fellow students are your connection to the real world. They may be able to keep you updated with the latest in their field of expertise, or share some of their job hunting experiences with you
建議就業活動 Suggested Career Activity:

「追夢灣區,展翅澳翔 - 首屆澳門大學生就業實習雙選會」(日期:9月11日,時間:11:00,地點:澳大N1宴會廳)
"The First Career and Internship Fair for University Students in Macau"(Date: 11 Sep, Time:11:00, Venue: UM, N1 Ballrooms)
詳情 Details: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/1416ccf92fc29dc8482579dc002b1f36/a926e477857027844825846300192de4?OpenDocument

畢馬威校園招聘講座 (9月18日, 14:00 – 15:30, E22-G010)
KPMG Recruitment Talk 2017 (11 Oct, 14:00-15:30, E22-G010)
詳情 Details:

Career Training Workshop Series:

Mastering Your Job Interviews (for job application in Macao) (Application Deadline: 16 Sep)
詳情 Details: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/32a1da4046eaf92d48257af40035c8d9/3d1d64dc24613cc148258193002704fd?OpenDocument&TableRow=4.0#4.

Preparing a Well-written Chinese and English Resume and Cover Letter (for job application in China) (Application Deadline: 16 Sep)
詳情 Details: https://um2.umac.mo/apps/com/bulletin.nsf/1416ccf92fc29dc8482579dc002b1f36/b862c467a651d74c4825845e0030238b?OpenDocument

生涯發展中心 謹啟

Best Regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office