[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Further Study Insider (7): How Graduate School Officials Evaluate International Applicants
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 升學情報(七):研究生院如何評估海外申請者
Ref. No : RKUN-BJ3BJQPosted by :RitaKuan/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 19/11/2019
Category :

How Graduate School Officials Evaluate International Applicants
  1. 他們認為合資格的申請者會盡情享受出國留學的日子,他們會結交新朋友和參加各種活動,盡力融入當地文化。
  2. 他們認為合資格的申請者自覺主動、勤勉學習、並會循規蹈矩。
  3. 他們著重海外申請者的英語能力,這可透過他們的托福或雅思成績,以及申請文件中反映出來。

When admission officials evaluate international applicants, they usually consider the following points before giving them offer:
  1. They perceive that eligible applicants are making the most of studying abroad. They try their very best to fit in the local culture by making new friends and joining various kind of activities.
  2. They assume that eligible applicants are self-motivated, hardworking and are able to perform as instructed.
  3. They emphasize the English proficiency of international applicants. It can be reflected on their TOEFL/ IELTS score, as well as their application material.

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