Application for Luggage Storage Service in PGH (Application Deadline:15 July, 2020)
Ref. No : DIOG-BQE655Posted by :DorisIong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SRSPosted Date : 09/06/2020
Category :

Luggage Storage Service
Dear students,

PGH has prepared the following special luggage storage arrangements due to epidemic situation. Please find the link below and please log in and submit the form before 15-July-2020 if needed. You may also choose to handle luggage by yourself or authorize someone else to do that for you. For details you may check the following options.

For those who are not accepted in AY2020/2021 1st semester accommodation in PGH, please kindly click in the link below and let us know your choice of luggage handling.

For those who do not apply for the luggage service and are not accepted in AY2020/2021 accommodation, the management company will help to do the packing service and they will charge MOP 370 for the luggage packing service (SRS will subsidize each student MOP70) and thus students need to pay MOP 300 for packing fees as well as storage fees for 5 storage spaces starting from July. Ie. MOP25/storage space *5 storage spaces *months.
若不申請行李處理方法而又未能成功申請2020/2021年第一學期住宿,管理公司會收取收拾行李費用MOP370 (學生資源處會資助學生MOP70),所以學生要支付MOP300收拾行李費用及行李儲存費用: 收費由7月開始並會收取5個儲存格費用,即MOP25/儲存格*5儲存格*月份.

If you choose to move out by yourself, please note that the last move out date is 31-July-2020.

Link for application for Luggage Storage

Luggage Storage Schedule (Only for those who need the luggage storage service):


Schedule of luggage storage service

事項 Items
10Jun -15July開放行李儲存申請 Open for application of luggage
20 July公佈行李儲存申請結果 Results of luggage storage
1 July行李儲存服務開始寄存

Commencement of luggage storage

Please find the storage luggage service arrangement as below:

1.1 Students return to school to perform check out procedures. Students can also store the luggage in the designated area. 同學自行回校處理及完成退宿手續。有需要同學可以將行李儲存於大學指定位置。

1.2 Authorize classmates/authorized person to pack and handle luggage and perform check out procedures 授權同學或指定人士處理行李,由其負責執拾並自行處理其行李以及代為完成退宿手續。

1.3 Authorize classmates/authorized person to pack their luggage and perform check out procedures; management company will assist to store the luggage in the designated area. 授權同學或指定人士處理行李,由其負責執拾並儲存於大學指定位置以及代為完成退宿手續。

1.4 Authorize classmates/authorized personnel to witness management company to pack and store the luggage in the designated area and Students Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures. 授權同學或指定人士監察管理公司執拾及儲存行李及由學生資源處自動完成退宿手續。

1.5 Authorize management company to pack and store the luggage in the designaged area and Students Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures. 授權管理公司執拾及儲存行李及由學生資源處自動完成退宿手續。

1.6 Authorize management company to pack and send the luggage to the luggage owners and Student Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures. Luggage sending fee will be borne by students. 授權管理公司執拾及寄回行李及由學生資源處自動完成退宿手續。寄回行李費用由同學直接交予管理公司。

1.7 Students can also place their luggage in the rooms of their classmates with allocated bed-space. Those classmates with bed-space can only help one classmate to store luggage. 同學亦可把行李寄存在已獲分配床位的同學房間。每位已獲分配床位的同學可以幫一位同學儲存行李。

Additional Information for Luggage Storage Service:


a) After packing the luggage for students, the management company will put a luggage tag as well as list out the items and confirm with students. Female staff will handle the luggage for female students. 在執拾行李後,管理公司會列出清單、標籤後由同學確認。女生行李將由女管理員負責收拾。

b) All luggage will be placed in the designated room and placed on racks. A designated personnel will handle the store room key and need the authorization from on-site manager before using the key. 所有行李均儲存於研究生宿舍儲存室貨架。儲存室鑰匙由專人負責,需管理公司駐場經理核准後才能使用。

c) Luggage retrieval has to get signature from the related student, management company and SRS. 領取行李需寄存的同學、管理公司和研究生宿舍三方簽署方為有效。

d) Luggage storage room is a closed area. SRS will put dehumidifier during humid weather. 行李儲存室為密封空間。潮濕天氣時,研究生宿舍辦公室將放置抽濕機

e) Suggest students authorize a classmate to take away valuables if any and only store general items. 建議同學派代表取走貴重物品,只寄存一般物品。

Luggage PackingLuggage StoragesSending LuggageFees IncurredScenario
Luggage Owners
Luggage Owners
Students return to school to perform check out procedures
Students can authorize their classmates to pack and handle luggage and perform check out procedures
Management company
MOP25/storage space/month
Students can authorize classmates to pack their luggage and perform check out procedures; management company will assist to store the luggage
Management Company
Management company
MOP370/person & MOP25/storage space/month
Student can authorize classmates to witness management company to pack and store the luggage and Students Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures
Management Company
Management company
MOP370/person & MOP25/storage space/month
Students can authorize management company to pack and store the luggage and Students Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures.
Management Company
management company
MOP370/person & sending fees
Students can authorize management company to pack and send the luggage to the luggage owners and Student Affairs Office will help to perform auto-check out procedures. Luggage sending fee will be borne by students.

1. Each storage space is 60cm (Length) x 30cm (Width) and 60cm (Height).

2. Storage service is from 1-July-2020 to 31-Dec-2020. Students can choose the storage service by month. Students may apply for extension of luggage storage service if needed.

3. Luggage Storage fees Calculation: MOP25* storage space applied*months

4. Luggage packing fees: MOP370, UM will subsidise MOP70 for each student and he/she has to pay for MOP 300 to the management company (Option 1.6).

5. Luggage sending fees: depending on the delivery place and students have to pay to the management company. (Option 1.6)

6. No refund will be allowed after application for storage space.

7. Each student could apply at most 5 storage spaces.

8. For check out procedures, please kindly be reminded that student MUST reserve the move-out procedure at the Management Company at least 72 hours (3 days) before the move-out time/date, if not, a handling fee of MOP500 will be charged. Receipt will be issued by the Management Company after the appointment made (Please keep it for further reference). For example, if a student would like to move out on 31 Jan (11:00am), s/he shall make the reservation via the Management Company on/before 28 Jan (11:00am).

Thank you for your kind attention.

PGH Student Housing
Student Affairs Office - Student Resources Section
PGH S3, G/F, Room G002
Tel: 8822-2660