MCM College: Experience the Silent World Series III - Inclusive Experience at Playback Theatre
滿珍紀念書院:無聲世界體驗系列 (三) ─ 「一人一故事劇場」中的共融體驗
Ref. No : CCHG-B84BCNPosted by :ChloeCheong/UMAC
Department :MCMCPosted Date : 08/01/2019
Category :
Photo Sharing

English & 中文

MCM College: Experience the Silent World Series III -
Inclusive Experience at Playback Theatre

MCM College worked with a Playback Theatre in "A Night of Inclusive Experience” in collaboration with Macau Deaf Association on 21st November 2018. The theme of the performance was “Maybe……You Don’t Know How Much I Appreciate It”. During the performance, the conductor invited the audience to share stories of people whom they encountered in their lives and were thankful for. It was a beautiful blessing for the college students and the hearing impaired people to encounter each other’s lives through thankful stories sharing and dramatic enactment. This is an accessible performance with theatrical interpretation (for persons with hearing impairment) with the aim of making the art form accessible for EVERYONE.

Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theater in which performers use their physical movement, music or drama to enact the stories shared by audience members. Playback Theatre acknowledges that everyone can have a right to share his/her feeling and stories. It can be a platform for the community to share, listen and watch the stories together with theatre enjoyment. This can appeal audience in arts appreciation and build up the cohesion of the community in an interactive way. This performance aimed to build an inclusive society where people with different ability are able to share their stories and different voices can be heard through playback performances. In doing so, we can find resonance in commonalities as well as acceptance and respect in differences.

At the end of the performance, each participant was given a “Thank You” card to take away and send it to someone special to express their gratitude. After the performance, the resident fellow received a lot of positive feedback from the participants. They were very grateful to the college for giving them this great opportunity to experience an unforgettable night with the hearing impaired people through playback performance. Below are some of their feedback:

“During the performance, four languages (Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Sign Language) were used for translation respectively. I learnt that when interacting with people who have different languages, we need to listen whole-heartedly to breakthrough communication barriers and express each other’s thoughts. Compared with verbal language, sign language is less direct. However, after accepting this way of expression, it’s not that difficult to understand. “ June

“When I watched the actors performing my story, I felt being respected, accepted and understood because this little story has been kept in my heart and not shared with anyone. This performance is meaningful in the way that it built a deep connection among people through sharing feelings, thus understanding each other’s inner world.” Kam

“When the actors were performing my story, their sincere performance touched my heart. When I shared my story, a few drops of tear fell down from my eyes. When I watched the actors acting out my story, I felt like going back to the past and my tears kept falling down again. I felt glad to join this activity and have the opportunity to share my hidden story and unspoken words.” Agnes

“During the performance, some people had gratifying smiles on their faces, some people dropped touching tears and some people felt absorbed and lost. After all, we spent a wonderful night together, recalling past stories with deep feelings and creating long-lasting memories. Those touching scenes are still staying in my mind, like silent film pictures without laughter, but with smiley faces.” Amanda

滿珍紀念書院:無聲世界體驗系列 (三) ─ 「一人一故事劇場」中的共融體驗

滿珍紀念書院與澳門聾人協會於2018年11月21日合辦一人一故事劇場 ─ 共融體驗之夜。是次演出的主題是「也許......你不知道我有多感激」。在演出中,主持人邀請參加者分享他們在生命中遇見的恩人和值得感恩的故事。這次,書院學生和聽障人士能夠藉著感恩故事分享和劇場演出在彼此的生命中相遇,實在是美麗的祝福。此演出為通達專場,設有劇場視形傳釋(為聽障人士而設),目的是讓每個人都可以接觸此種藝術形式。



「當天的演出同時出現四種語言(廣東話、普通話、英文及手語)交替翻譯的場景。我深刻體會到與不同語言的人士交流,只要有心就是可以跨越很多溝通障礙,並表達各自的想法。手語只是沒有口語語言那麼直接罷了,接受了它的表達式,其實並沒有想像中那麼難理解。」─ 張素郡

「看著演員演繹自己故事的時候,我感受到自己被尊重和被接納,以及有人能明白我的內心,因為這些都是我一直埋藏在心裡,不會跟身邊人說起的小故事。這個演出的意義就是在人與人之間建立起很深的連繫感,互相傳遞彼此的情感,從而了解對方的內心世界。」─ 甘結營

「在演員表演的過程中,我被他們真情流露的演繹感動了。我在分享故事的過程中,不禁掉下了幾顆眼淚。當我看著演員演繹屬於我的故事時,我仿佛回到了當時的情景,忍不住再次掉下眼淚來。我很高興能夠參加這次活動,讓我把一些平時收在心底裏的故事以及一些未能說出的話分享出來。」─ 李卓穎

「演出當晚,有些人留下了欣慰的笑容,有些人留下了感動的淚水,也有些人留下了悵然若失的面容。大家共同留下的是互相分享和互相感懷的一個夜晚,一個永遠溫熱的記憶。我的腦海裡停留了很多感人的畫面,無聲影片的畫面,沒有笑聲,但嘴角都是上翹的。」─ 楊雨潼