Safe School Network Bulletin by Judiciary Police
Ref. No : TCHG-BF9C7HPosted by :TimChong/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCSPosted Date : 22/08/2019
Category :

以下資料由 司法警察局 提供,由學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by the Judiciary Police and posted by the Student Affairs Office.
Dear student,

Teenagers enjoy browsing the Internet for information and checking out social media or dating apps to make new friends, what appears on the Internet or on the App may not be genuine; one may easily be misled or fall prey to crime, resulting financial loss or danger to one’s own safety.

Recently the Judiciary Police received a number of complaints in relation to teenagers getting tricked into surrendering credits of virtual game-point cards in exchange for sexual service. The swindler called the victim shortly after and threatened him to surrender more credits for the sake of his family’s safety.

We would like to remind teenagers to stay vigilant when making friends online, remember the safety tips below to protect themselves from falling prey to crime:

l Do not disclose personal information including photos of yourself on the Internet;

l Establish privacy setting on social media and restrict who can actually see your information;

l Say no if you are asked to engage in naked chat or send nude photos of yourself;

l If you have to meet someone you know on the Internet, please tell your family about it and only meet in public places, do not meet strangers alone;

l Do not leave your drinks attended while meeting online friends, discard drinks which have been out of your sight.

Youth Concern Group

Community Policing and Public Relations Division of the Judiciary Police