Drama Society of UMSU: "Butterfly Lovers: Endless Regrets"(Date: 12 to 14 Sep 2019; Time: 19:30 pm; Location: E31-SAC Theatre)
澳門大學學生會戲劇社: 大專生藝術計劃2019《蝶戀・梁祝》(日期:2019年9月12至14日,時間: 晚上七時半,地點: E31學生活動中心音樂劇場)
Ref. No : KLAO-BFMBLRPosted by :KinLao/UMAC
Department :SAO-SDSPosted Date : 03/09/2019
Category :
External Activity

Introduction 簡介


《蝶戀.梁祝》由梁祝協奏曲所衍生的二次創作,適逢小提琴協奏曲《梁 祝》60週年,利用梁祝故事的框架,以戲劇、Acapella、中西樂器的基礎下, 加入中國元素,全新編寫出一個由澳大戲劇社創作的梁祝故事。 二十多位表演者攜手演繹中國民間故事經典,探究藝術不同的可能性,以及對中國文化探索的心,鍛鍊年青人的視野。 故事大綱 女扮男裝的祝英台因「不打不相識」的誤會結識了同一間書齋的貧窮書生 梁山伯,梁山伯和祝英台在三年同窗之際暗暗地種下情愫,並定下了畢業 之約——梁山伯向祝英台的妹妹“九妹”提親,誰知祝英台已被許配給馬府。 當祝英台以女裝“九妹”身份與梁山伯重遇時,兩人在誤會中不歡而散。梁 山伯此後相思成病,吐血身亡;祝英台在梁山伯死後收到滿帶愛意的血信, 悲痛欲絕,在回憶不斷浮現之時,祝英台決定要與梁山伯相伴,最終來到 墳前,二人化蝶。

Drama Society of UMSU: "Butterfly Lovers: Endless Regrets"

“Butterfly Lovers: Endless Regrets” is a derivative work of the violin concerto “The butterfly lovers” composed in 60 years ago. Drama Society, UMSU utilize the story frame of the heart-breaking and graceful traditional Chinese tale "Butterfly Lovers", to create our brand new story in the art of Drama, Acapella, Chinese and western musical instruments and Chinese Opera. With more than 20 performers from University of Macau student and professional artists to present the classical story and to explore the possibilities in different areas of art in Chinese culture. About the story Zhu Yingtai (祝英台) disguises herself as a young man and meet his poor classmate Liang Shanbo (梁山伯) through an misunderstanding situation. After 3 years of study, the two has built attached to each other and Zhu Yingtai made Liang Shanbo to make the commitment that he will come to Zhu’s and propose marriage to Zhu Yingtai's sister "Jiumei". Unfortunately, her father had already arranged a marriage for Zhu Yingtai. As Liang Shanbo came to visit and propose a marriage, Liang Shanbo meet "Jiumei", who is Zhu Yingtai, the two ends on a sour note after the day they met in Zhu's home. Liang Shanbo got lovesick overflow and wrote lots of letters to Zhu Yingtai when back home but soon died desperately. When Zhu Yingtai receive the last letter covered with blood before Liang wrote to her, she was devastated and keep spinning into the memories of them. When Zhu Yingtai come to his grave, she decided to stay with Liang Shanbo, the two become butterfly after they died.