Reminder: Emergency contacts to UM Security Services during temporary suspension of power supply and network services at N6, P2, E3, E4, E5, E6 and E7 on 20/07/2019 (this Saturday)
提提您: 2019年7月20日(星期六) N6, P2, E3, E4, E5, E6 及 E7之電力供應及網絡服務暫停期間之澳大保安組緊急聯絡方法
Ref. No : DNGG-BE54HUPosted by :DorisNg/UMAC
Department :CMDO-STSPosted Date : 16/07/2019
Category :

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Kindly be informed that an electrical maintenance work will be carried out at N6, P2, E3, E4, E5, E6 and E7 (-->Database 'Bulletin Board', View 'Active-for-Staff-all', Document 'Temporary Suspension of Power Supply and Network Services at N6, P2, E3, E4, E5, E6 & E7 on 20 July 2019' ) by Facility Management and Maintenance Section (FMM) on 20/07/2019 (this Saturday). The UM power supply and network services will be temporary suspension. In case of emergency or should there be any need for security assistance, UM Security Team can be reached by 6520-0075 / 6520-0076/ 2850-9913.

Thank you for your attention!

Best Regards,
Security and Transport Section