Health Tips (04/2019): Risk of Online Food Shopping
健康小貼士 (04/2019): 網購食品風險知多少
Ref. No : SWUU-BB64H6Posted by :SukiWu/UMAC
Department :HSEOPosted Date : 12/04/2019
Category :
News Clipping

Dear colleagues and students,
More and more people shop online with the advancement of e-commerce. Customers have to pay particular attention about the food safety risk when purchasing food products online.
Risk associated with online information: Without access to the physical items, consumers have no way getting to know their quality simply by the provided textual description and images. If the information shown in the online trading platforms is inaccurate, false, exaggerated or concealing facts, it may cause potential food safety hazards.

Risk associated with food transportation: When transporting the food products, it is hardly known whether the shipping companies or agents are using reliable and appropriate equipment. There are many uncertainties present in the condition of transportation, hygiene condition of equipment and transportation process that would likely increase product's exposure to risk.

Liability risk associated with overseas online shopping: Among operators of overseas online purchase of food, there are the honest and the unscrupulous. Consequently, it is uncertain whether they have a proper self-management system to supervise the up-lines and down-lines of the food products available for purchase. In times of disputes, it becomes very difficult to pursue liability claims against them, thereby putting consumers' rights and interests at risk. Moreover, if the food products imported from overseas are subject to mandatory inspection and quarantine, it is deemed necessary to understand the legal liabilities involved.
Advice to the public:
  • Pay attention to the nature and potential risks associated with the food items if you intend to purchase online. Susceptible populations, e.g., the elderly, young children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems should take extra precautions.
  • Patronize reliable licensed food premises, especially when buying high-risk foods such as oysters to be eaten raw, sushi and sashimi, etc.
  • Consider whether the high-risk food purchased online can be kept at a safe temperature during transportation.
Department of Food Safety, Municipal Affairs Bureau, Government of Macao S.A.R.
Centre for Food Safety, the Government of the Hong Kong S.A.R.

If you would like to read more health tips, please visit the website of Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs

Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs