[Further Study Information] CUHK Business School: Invitation of Application for "MSc in Management of Real Estate and Hospitality Assets"
[升學資訊] 香港中文大學商學院: 「房地產及旅遊資產管理理學碩士課程」現正接受申請
Ref. No : RKUN-BKG7N4Posted by :RitaKuan/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 03/01/2020
Category :

The information is provided by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and posted by Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office

CUHK Business School
房地產及旅遊資產管理理學碩士課程 (2020-2021)
MSc in Management of Real Estate and Hospitality Assets (2020-2021)

此商科課程為亞洲唯一從商科角度系統學習房地產及旅遊資產投資管理的碩士課程,教授學生緊貼行業的房地產開發、資產管理、市場分析、融資、估價及投資知識,適合有志于成為房地產、策略諮詢、投資銀行與酒店旅遊業的管理人員及諮詢顧問的學生。課程獲特許測量師學會 (RICS) 認證,學生畢業後於相關領域工作2年,即可申請成為全球認可的特許測量師。


It is the ONLY master’s program in Asia that integrates real estate and hospitality asset management with a business focus. Students can learn the solid knowledge and skills in real estate development, asset management, market analysis, financing, valuation, and investment. It is ideal for students who intend to pursue management and consulting careers in the real estate, investment banking and strategic consulting industries. The program is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Graduates may become chartered surveyors with 2 years of work experience in the relevant fields.

Please refer to the leaflet and official website for detail: https://masters.bschool.cuhk.edu.hk/programmes/mscmreha/

The Round 4 application deadline is 6 February 2020.

電話 Tel:(852) 3943 8594
電郵 Emailshtmmsc@baf.cuhk.edu.hk

MREHA Programme Overview.pdfMREHA Programme Overview.pdf