The third issue of Macao Studies Bulletin has been published
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The third issue of Macao Studies Bulletin has been published

為了更及時地向社會各界提供澳門研究的最新動態,了解各地學者對澳門現狀和未來的研判,澳門大學澳門研究中心從2020年7月起出版季刊《澳門研究簡報》。 澳門大學澳門研究中心自成立伊始,即以「立足澳門,研究社會,為澳門的長期穩定、繁榮、發展服務」為宗旨,在1988年3月創辦學術期刊《澳門研究》,其後與澳門基金會攜手合作編輯出版,一直推動以澳門為主體的跨學科研究。鑑於近年國際及鄰近地區對澳門的注視,澳門在「粵港澳大灣區」以及「一帶一路」等區域發展國策上的作用,關於澳門的跨學科跨地域研究正在日益增加,作為澳門的社會智庫之一,澳門大學澳門研究中心決定出版通訊類刊物——《澳門研究簡報》,及時提供本澳以及各地出版的關於澳門的研究成果簡介,以推廣各方學者的智慧結晶,為學界和社會搭建溝通橋樑,為澳門社會發展貢獻學術的力量。

In order to provide timely updates on Macao studies, and to understand the insightful opinions of scholars from everywhere regarding current status and future judgment of Macao, the Centre for Macau Studies of the University of Macau has decided to publish the Macao Studies Bulletin starting from July 2020. The core mission of the Centre is “to pursue research on Macau society from the standpoint of Macau itself, for serving the long-term stability, prosperity and development of Macau”. The newly published Macao Studies Bulletin may provide a sound platform to share the outcome of wisdom generated from all fields of scholars and experts related to Macao or Macao studies, and to contribute to the local society with the academic achievement.


Macao Studies Bulletin will be issued on a quarterly basis in both Chinese and English. The content will include reports on the latest academic achievements locally and globally. In addition, Macao Studies Bulletin will share various suggestions provided by scholars on Macao’s public policies and social development. It can be conveniently subscribed by email, or viewed at the website of the Centre for Macau Studies.

Please click the link to download:

澳門研究簡報-第三期 Macao Studies Bulletin-ISSUE 3.pdf澳門研究簡報-第三期 Macao Studies Bulletin-ISSUE 3.pdf