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T&L Blog • Slido: An App for Instantaneous Feedback Loops

Ref. No : CFUN-BV96EMPosted by :ChrisFulton/UMAC
Department :CTLEPosted Date : 11/11/2020
Category :
News Clipping

By Dr. Alice S. Lee

As an instructor facing a room of masked students, I struggle to gauge the extent of my students’ level of classroom engagement with only their eyes as a clue. Even for active students willing to speak up in class, their voices are often muffled by their masks. In times like these, I have found Slido to be a useful student response tool. Slido is a Q&A and polling platform that is similar to Poll Everywhere and Kahoot but faster and more versatile. I’ve been using Slido this semester to help me maintain student engagement by using it in the following ways:
These six types of instantaneous feedback loops provide sufficient variety to keep students’ interest level up. Slido’s interface is amazingly intuitive, which means I don’t need to have all my questions activation ready before my class begins. If inspiration strikes in the middle of class, I can very easily start a poll or ask students to rate something without taking a 5-minute time-out.

The only downside I can think of is that free account users can only set up five polls or questions for each class or “session”, and the maximum number of respondents is set at 100. My workaround for the free version was to set up multiple classes, e.g., 1001a and 1001b. All in all, I found Slido to be an easy-to-learn and effective tool for engaging learners in my classes.

If you have questions about designing educational activities with similar tools, please contact Chris Fulton at chrisfulton@um.edu.mo or ext. 4574 for a consultation. For technical assistance with UMMoodle or IT systems at UM, please contact the ICTO Help Desk at 8822-8600.