[For Staff Only]
Quick Start Series on Hybrid Teaching: Meet-ups on Essential Tools and Strategies: (29 October) A Look at Assessment with UMMoodle Quizzes and Academic Honesty with Prof. Sophia Deng (FSS)
混合教學入門之工具與策略系列: UMMoodle測驗和學術誠信評估-Sophia Deng教授(社會科學學院)(10月29日
Ref. No : CFUN-BUSCQKPosted by :ChrisFulton/UMAC
Department :CTLEPosted Date : 27/10/2020
Category :

Dear colleagues,

Our understanding of hybrid and online teaching has grown significantly over the last few months. In efforts to address these current challenges, we would like to invite you to two hybrid professional development events that explore common tools and strategies for hybrid teaching. Faculty members and staff can join this event either in person or via Zoom.

Assessment with UMMoodle Quizzes and Academic Honesty
Prof. Sophia Wei Deng (FSS)
29 October, 4:00-4:45 PM

Strategies for Hybrid Teaching
Dr. Dirk Schnieders, University of Hong Kong
Winner of an HKU Teaching Excellence Award - Early Career Teaching Award (2018)
30 October, 3:00-3:45 PM

Register at https://go.um.edu.mo/1nhz874c before Wednesday at 5:00 PM, if you have not already done so.


Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
+853 8822-4583