"Personal Statement Writing Workshop" assist you in preparing for graduate school admission (Deadline: 12 Sep)
「個人陳述撰寫工作坊」助你準備申請研究生院(截止日期 :9月12日)
Ref. No : RKUN-BFNBX8Posted by :RitaKuan/UMAC
Department :SAO-SCS-CDCPosted Date : 04/09/2019
Category :

Want to write an outstanding personal statement for graduate school admission?

Want to grasp the main points for writing personal statement?

Join the "
Personal Statement Writing Workshop" now!

目的 Objective對象 Target

Many graduate schools require applicants to submit a personal statement (PS) together with their admission application. This workshop provides students with fundamentals of PS.
Second-year students or above, who are
not familiar with PS writing
工作坊日期 Workshop Schedule
18/09/2019 (三/ Wed); 2:30PM - 4:30PM
語言 Medium of Instruction
普通話 Mandarin
內容大綱 Outline上課地點 Venue
  • 個人陳述的架構及格式
    Structure and format of PS
  • 個人陳述的寫作要點
    Main points to be addressed in the PS
  • 個人陳述寫作的注意事項
    Dos and Don'ts for writing PS
  • 課堂練習
    In-class practices
澳大課室 (上課地點將透過電郵通知已報名的同學)
UM classroom (Registered students will be notified of the exact location via email)
導師 Instructor
Career Advising Associate of Career Development Centre 
名額 Quota of Each Class
按金 Deposit
  • 全程參加工作坊之學生無須繳交按金。
  • 若缺席或未能全程參加工作坊之學生,會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,且需在期限前繳付,否則需支付3%的逾期手續費。
A deposit of MOP100 is required for the workshop. Please follow the following procedures to settle the payment:
  • Students who participate in the whole workshop do not need to pay the deposit.
  • Students who are absent for the whole or part of the workshop will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on the overdue amount after the due date.
報名方法 Registration Method
Please complete the registration form on or before 12/09/2019.

登記連結 Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9SH93wyTmhD2BsV

In addition, our centre provides further study advising service that covers personal statement and resume review. You are welcome to schedule an appointment with us. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Rita Kuan of Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office.

電話 Tel:8822 4916
電郵 Email:sao.career@um.edu.mo

此活動已列入「全人發展獎勵計劃」中的「具有國際視野的公民」項目,全程參與者可獲予UM Competences Score (CS) 20分。
This activity will be counted as the "Citizenship with Global Perspectives" area of the "Whole Person Development Award Program". Participants who have attended the whole workshop may receive 20 UM Competences Score (CS).