Highlights of Orientation Activities for the New Cohort of PR Student Ambassadors
Ref. No : LICI-BUS5T3Posted by :liccachui/UMAC
Department :CO-PRSPosted Date : 29/10/2020
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Welcome the new batch of PR Student Ambassadors

學生公關大使日前舉行了迎新講解會及迎新營,今年一共招攬40名學生公關大使。這次迎新營系列活動旨在增進了解的同時建立團隊合作的精神、培養組織活動的能力 ,活動包括破冰遊戲、團體遊戲、目標任務等等。讓團員在活動中迅速認識彼此,並建立團隊精神。

澳門大學學生公關大使計劃成立於2010年, 參與的學生來自不同學系和專業,通過一系列培訓和實踐,培養學生接待技巧、公共關係、大型活動策劃和人際關係等能力。至今培訓超過459人,累計接待逾1,700多個導賞團,逾 72,600多名來自世界各地的訪客,深受訪客的讚賞。

This year, we have recruited 40 PR Student Ambassadors (PRSAs) from different faculties and residential colleges, an orientation meeting and an orientation camp were held to welcome them.The aim of these orientation series activities are to enhance the relationship between the ambassadors and to build up the team spirit. Through ice-breaking games, team building games, mission accomplishment etc. members were able to know and understand more about one another. Thus, they can raise their interpersonal abilities and sense of belongings.

PRSA Programme is launched by the CO in 2010 and the programme admits students from different backgrounds. The programme has trained over 459 PRSAs, who have received more than 72,600 visitors from 1,700 groups around the world.
Photo Sharing

Orientation Meeting
Orientation Camp
