MCM College: “Mindful Eating” Experiential Workshop
Ref. No : CCHG-BGH3ZEPosted by :ChloeCheong/UMAC
Department :MCMCPosted Date : 30/09/2019
Category :
Photo Sharing

English & 中文

MCM College: “Mindful Eating” Experiential Workshop

In the evening of 19th September 2019, over 200 students gathered at the College Hall of MCM College to attend a “Mindful Eating” Experiential Workshop. Before the workshop started, MCM College Master, Professor Kit Thompson delivered an opening speech and welcomed our workshop instructor, Dr. Lee Yu Ming who is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong.
During the workshop, Dr. Lee shared that dietary health is not just about nutrition, inappropriate way of eating also leads to poor digestion and absorption. Mindful eating is something everyone needs to master as “how we eat” is more important than “what we eat”. Eating the right way is the key to health. He emphasized that mindful eating” can reduce excessive thinking, strengthens digestion and absorption, and thus improves physical function. If we practice “mindful eating” three times a day, it can help us to overcome anxiety and over-thinking. The same food, eaten with different attitudes or methods, has different effect. Therefore, by changing the attitude and way of eating, we can achieve physical heath and emotional balance. Under the guidance of the Dr. Lee, the participants experienced the process of “mindful eating”together. When they were eating with consciousness whole-heartedly, they re-established the connection between the individual, food, body, mind and soul. At the end of the workshop, Dr. Lee donated his new book to our library so that our students can understand more about “mindful eating”and practice it in their daily lives.

2019 9 19日晚上超過二百位院生聚集在滿珍紀念書院的膳堂參加一個名為「正念飲食」體驗工作坊。活動開始前,滿珍紀念書院院長,湯柏燊教授致歡迎詞並介紹工作坊導師,李宇銘博士(香港註冊中醫師)。