MCM College Macao International Parade 2019
Ref. No : CCHG-BJJBH4Posted by :ChloeCheong/UMAC
Department :MCMCPosted Date : 05/12/2019
Category :
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MCM College Macao International Parade 2019

Themed around the cultures of countries and regions along the Belt and Road, this year’s edition of the Macao International Parade invited performing groups oversea as well as local artists to sing and dance in their distinctive costumes and styles along streets of rich cultural interest bustling with animation. Highlighting the unique landscape of the Historic Centre of Macao and engaging residents and tourists in the festive atmosphere, the groups will spread the concept of “Love, Peace and Cultural Integration”, turning the Parade into one of the largest events celebrating the Macao Handover to China.

Moon Chun Memorial College, through the fusion of drama and dance, will be presenting Thailand historic poems “Ramakien” on 8 December 2019, alongside with the unique charm of their customs and traditional literary arts. With the Thai culture as a representative, MCM College wishes to bring a wider prospect on the culture of Southern Asia to Macau people and to broaden students’ horizon on a global level. It is also one of the motto of MCM College to promote inclusivity and diversity to students, and help them achieve an open mindset for cultural exchange. Enhancing the understanding and knowledge on different ethnic groups in Macau will help build a multicultural society with mutual respect and harmony.


今年澳門國際幻彩大巡遊以 “一帶一路"沿線國家和地區文化為主題,邀請到 “一帶一路"沿線國家和地區聯同本地演藝精英隊伍,帶領澳門市民及遊客在文化氣息濃厚的繁街鬧市中載歌載舞,展現澳門歷史城區的獨特景貌,宣揚“愛、和平與文化共融"的理念,呈獻慶祝澳門回歸祖國的年度慶典。

澳門大學滿珍紀念書院將以戲劇融入舞蹈的形式,通過參與2019年12 月8日的國際幻彩大巡遊,展現具泰國民俗風情及傳統文學藝術魅力的《拉烈堅》,增進本澳人士對泰國文化為代表之南亞文化的認識,與了解其在全球視野的同時,樹立文化開放與文化交流的心態,增強公眾對本澳少數族群的理解與認知,助力建構互相尊重、和諧共融的多元社會。