Photo Sharing: FAH-ELC Summer English Programme 2020 - "First-ever Summer English Programme fully online at the English Language Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities"
相片分享—人文學院英語中心暑期英語課程2020 - "人文學院英語中心暑期英語課程首次以全面網課方式舉行"
Ref. No : SLEE-BRQ5UMPosted by :SapphireLee/UMAC
Department :FAHPosted Date : 22/07/2020
Category :
Photo Sharing

Photo sharing 照片分享
Please see below for the photos of the e-class and students' performances from the ELC Summer English Programme (SEP) 2020:
1. During the SEP e-class – the participating students were attentive to the instructor’s class.

1. 網課中,學生都在專注聽課。

2. In this class project, students were asked to compare two universities. This group was comparing the campuses of Tsinghua University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2. 在課堂報告中,學生被要求比較兩所大學。學生分組比較清華大學與香港中文大學的異同。

3. In one of the SEP e-class project, students created a promotional video for a local Macao business, and in this photo, they were talking about some of the challenges they encountered while making the video.
3. 在某一網課中,學生為一個澳門本地企業製作宣傳影片,在這圖片中,學生積極地討論他們在製作影片中所遇到的挑戰。

4. SEP 2020 includes English For Specific Purposes (ESP) modules in which students of different UM faculties learn and practice using their subject-specific basic vocabulary through in-context passages and videos. Here is an example module for FBA and FSS students.

4. 暑期英語課程2020融合了學科基礎英語詞彙教學單元,讓不同學院的學生透過其學科領域的文章及影片,學習和運用學科基礎英語詞彙。此圖片展示了工商管理學院及社會科學學院學生的教學單元。