Opening ceremony of the “2020/2021 Alumni Mentorship Scheme” was held in UM
Ref. No : SCHG-BUUAFUPosted by :SharonCheang/UMAC
Department :ADOPosted Date : 30/10/2020
Category :
Photo Sharing

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The opening ceremony of the “2020/2021 Alumni Mentorship Scheme” (AMS), which was co-organized by the Alumni and Development Office (ADO) and the Career Development Centre (CDC), was held on 24 October 2020 (Saturday) at the Banquet Hall in UM Guest House. Vice Rector (Global Affairs), Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins; Dean of Students, Mr. Paul Pang; Director of ADO, Ms. Cindy Lam and Head of Student Counselling Section, Mr. Elvo Sou attended the opening ceremony.

“Alumni Mentorship Scheme” matches alumni with current students based on their backgrounds and interests. As mentors, the alumni are expected to give advice and share their work and life experiences with the student mentees. The scheme attracted more than 130 alumni and students to participate this year, which had reached the highest over the years. Moreover, young alumni were also invited to join the scheme as alumni mentees for the first time this year, which could provide them opportunities to broaden their social networks through communicating with the senior alumni mentors from different professional sectors.

Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins gave a speech at the opening ceremony to encourage students to learn from their alumni mentors. During the game session at the ceremony, mentors and mentees were divided into small groups to play games and share their ideas in group discussions. The alumni participants believed that the scheme had not only provided them a platform to share their study and work experiences with the next generation, but also assisted them to come up with more innovative ideas through communicating with young people.

“Alumni Mentorship Scheme” aims to encourage alumni to give back to their alma mater while creating opportunities for students to learn more about society. This year, the scheme runs from October 2020 to March 2021. During this period, alumni mentors and student mentees will be invited to join a series of exciting group activities to enhance their engagement in the scheme.

We would like to share with you some highlights of the activities.

Thank you for your attention.

Alumni and Development Office
Alumni mentors introduced themselves and shared their experiences in the alumni mentor sharing session
Vice Rector (Global Affairs), Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins gave a speech at the opening ceremony
Mentors and mentees were divided into small groups to play games
Group photo of the opening ceremony of “2020/2021 Alumni Mentorship Scheme”