Reminder: Car Park Notice: traffic lane non-slippery service in Visitor Car Park P5 to be carried out from 25 April, 2020
提提您: 停車場告示:P5訪客停車場車道防滑鋪設工作於2020年4月25日開始
Ref. No : DNGG-BNY3J8Posted by :DorisNg/UMAC
Department :CMDO-STSPosted Date : 25/04/2020
Category :

Dear students and colleagues,

Please be informed that the traffic lane non-slippery service in Visitor Car Park P5 to be carried out from 25 April (Saturday) to 5 May (Tuesday), 2020. During this period, part of the traffic lanes will be temporarily blocked or with limited access. Please follow the on-site signage and instruction of the security personnel.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Security and Transport Section